I am a health-obsessed functional nutritionist on a mission to help you evolve your health and
identify the root cause of your symptoms.

About the Founder

For 20+ years, I was plagued with digestive distress, anxiety, panic attacks, food sensitivities, chronic sinus issues, fatigue, an overactive stress response along with a laundry list of other symptoms. Doctor after doctor kept telling me my labs were “normal” and that I seemed to be very healthy, but I always had a gut feeling there was something missing. I tried numerous medications with undesirable side effects that left me feeling worse than before. I thought this would be my quality of life forever. And then I found functional nutrition.

By identifying the root causes of my never-ending list of symptoms, I was able to finally take my life back and experience what it feels like to be healthy, vibrant and nourished. I am forever grateful for my health struggles because it led me to my passion of helping others restore their health and discover their body’s innate healing capacity.

Amy Kling


BA, Texas A&M University

NTP, Nutritional Therapy Association

RWP, Restorative Wellness Solutions

Hormone Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Say Goodbye to suffering. Healing starts here.

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